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Children's Services Act

What is the Children's Services Act?

Known as the CSA, it is a Virginia law designed to help troubled youths and their families.  State and local agencies, parents and private service providers work together to plan and provide services.  In each community, local teams decide how to do this.

The Commnity Policy and Management Team (CPMT) 

CPMT coordinates agency efforts, manages the available funds, and sees that eligible youths and their families get help.

The Family Assessment and Planning Team (FAPT) 

FAPT looks at the strengths and needs of the individual youth and families, decides what services to provide, and prepares a service plan with inputfrom families.  

Both teams include parents, staff from communiy service boards, court service units, the department of health and social services, the public schools and private providers.  In some localities, these teams go by different names and may also include other members.  

How Can I Find Out if My Child is Eligible? 

Contact your local Children's Service Act Coordinator, Sarah Allen.

Contact Informatation for Sarah Allen
phone: (757)562-8602

Need More Information? 

Visit the Office of Children's Services for At-Risk Youth and Families Website!